Victor Davis Hanson on our ‘path to Armageddon’

A Californian, Hanson has seen firsthand the fiscal, social, and educational problems stemming from illegal immigration. Illegal immigration is “the reason the state is destroyed,” Hanson bluntly stated.

Historian Victor Davis Hanson recently gave one of the finest and most memorable presentations on the subject of immigration.

America could be on “a path to Armageddon,” given the blend of relativism, racial preferences, and nullified immigration laws, warned Hanson in an interview with Mark Levin, [link opens in pop-up, interview begins at 51:00].

Hanson is a military historian who taught the classics and is now a Senior Fellow at Stanford’s Hoover Institution. Winner of the prestigious National Humanities Medal (2007) and the Bradley Prize (2008), his writing is generally seen as well reasoned and insightful.

Hanson offered a blistering attack on Republicans and left-wingimmigration policy, pointing out that Republican leaders have stopped using the word assimilation. Assimilation used to be the ideal that was strived for by immigrants and encouraged by our society. Instead of urging assimilation, some Republicans are bizarrely promoting amnesty for people who are not assimilating.

Hanson pointed out that many of today’s immigrants are not repeating the pattern of the Italians or Greeks, as just two examples. While Latino studies programs can be found at almost all universities, one does not find such “studies” for Italians or Greeks. That is just one dramatic distinction between immigrants today and past immigrants.


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