UK: Mass immigration is destroying our once great nation

The day of destiny has almost arrived. Another stage is about to be reached in the destruction of national identity and our existence as an independent country. From the beginning of January, all restrictions will be lifted on immigration to Britain of people from Bulgaria and Romania. Under European Union free movement laws, the 28 million citizens of these two countries will have the legal right to settle here.

Migrants will soon have the same rights as other EU citizens to live and work throughout Europe

The vast new influx of eastern European migrants will be the next step in the revolution that has engulfed our country in recent years. A relentless flood of arrivals, running at a rate of more than 500,000 a year, has already transformed the very fabric of our society. As a result of our open borders Britain is now the most overcrowded nation in Europe. By 2015 our population density will be twice that of Germany and more than four times that of France.

With five million foreigners arriving here since 2001 the pace and extent of the demographic change has been phenomenal.

At least a third of all babies born in Britain have at least one foreign parent, a figure rising to an astonishing 90 per cent in some London boroughs.

In several of our urban conurbations, such as Leicester, Slough and Luton, white British people are significantly in a minority. It is no wonder that many ordinary Britons now feel like aliens in their own land.

What is so sickening is that we never voted for this upheaval. Mass immigration and the creation of a multi-cultural society have all been imposed without a shred of democratic consent. Opinion polls show that the overwhelming majority of the public want tighter border controls.


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