Judge Jeanine Lashes Out at Boston Bomber for Complaining About Harsh Prison Conditions (Video)

Judge Jeanine Pirro had a strong message for the Boston bomber after he reportedly complained about his harsh treatment in prison. Lawyers for the suspect argue that restrictions placed on him are impairing their ability to defend him, including “limited access” to the outdoors.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. You remember him, the younger of the two Boston bomber brothers, charged in the premeditated, coordinated detonation of an IED at the Boston marathon.

He wants a Massachusetts district court to vacate his “extraordinary and severe” restrictions while he awaits trial.

He alleges his First, Fifth, and Sixth Amendment constitutional rights have been violated because his telephone and mail privileges have been restricted.

I don’t know about you, but my blood boiled when I heard that one.

Dzhokhar, your constitutional rights violated? You should kiss the American ground you walk on that even afforded you these constitutional rights in the first place.


Complete text and video linked here.

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