‘Assaulted’ Review: Doc Argues Second Amendment Rights Are Civil Rights

Dead Patriot Films’ Assaulted: Civil Rights Under Fire pulls together scholars, judges, Civil Rights attorneys, law enforcement personnel and others to educate Americans on one basic fact: Second Amendment rights are Civil Rights.

The film is narrated by Ice-T, and the rapper uses this role to control the flow of the film and keep it on point.

Minutes into the film, Ice-T asks:

Some politicians and scholars argue that the Second Amendment to our Constitution is outdated and no longer valid in our society. But can we throw out the foundation of our country, and the individual bricks called “Civil Rights,” in the name of public safety? What did our Founding Fathers envision when they wrote the Second Amendment?

This question is answered by various scholars, among them David Kopel, PhD: “Guns have been part of American culture ever since the first Europeans showed up with their guns four centuries ago. And ever since [then] they’ve been an important part of what America stands for.”


Complete text linked here.

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