Grooming gangs pimp Roma girls for European Union passports

The revelation comes days after former Home Secretary David Blunkett said the “aggravating” behaviour of Roma people in the Page Hall area of Sheffield could lead to riots. Residents claim gangs of drunken immigrant men gather on the streets hurling abuse at them while scantily dressed girls hang around on corners, some selling sex.

Gangs of predators single out the teenage immigrants, some as young as 13, from Eastern Europe to exploit their EU citizenship.

Those old enough for marriage are tricked into believing they should marry those men looking for a wife with a European Union passport who can then stay in Britain.

Roma Slovakian community worker Miroslav Sando said he had heard allegations of grooming and exploitation.

“This is what is being said by many people. These men want our women because they have EU passports,” he said.

“It is wrong and if it carries on it could become a big problem. It will not help things here.”


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