Racist Burger King Sign? “Now Hiring, Must Be Mexican”

A huge sign outside a Burger King fast food restaurant in Ephrata, Washington is causing outrage because of its racist tone. The billboard reads, “Now Hiring Must Be Mexican.”

The image was posted on KFFM 1073?s website, a radio station based in Yakima, Washington, alongside a poll which asked,”I’m not exactly sure of the reasoning. Maybe none of the current staff can speak español or perhaps they need to fulfill their EEO report, I’m not exactly sure. What do you think? Do you find this sign offensive or are you okay with their honesty.”

82 per cent of the respondents to the poll say that they find the sign offensive.

It’s possible that the managers of the restaurant meant to advertise for a bilingual or Spanish-speaking employee, but their choice of words is clearly discriminatory.

The sign has also prompted outrage on the fast food giant’s official Facebook page, with some people calling for a lawsuit and others demanding that the chain be boycotted.

“Tell all of Burger King to take their company to Mexico and abide by legal hiring practices here in the good ole USA – This is NOT MEXICO,” writes Mark Berreth.

Imagine the backlash if Burger King posted a sign outside one of its restaurants which said “Now Hiring Whites Only.” That’s almost as racist as the sign in Ephrata, and yet over 24 hours since the image caused outrage, Burger King has failed to address the issue.


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