Ron Paul Calls For ‘Nullification’ Of Obamacare: ‘Pretty Soon … We’re Just Going To Ignore The Feds’

“The taxes involved there, they’re evil,” Paul said. “They’re going to create class warfare, generational warfare.”

Stumping on behalf of Virginia gubernatorial hopeful Ken Cuccinelli on Monday, former congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul predicted that states will soon “ignore the feds” and nullify the Affordable Care Act.

“Jefferson obviously was a clear leader on the principle of nullification,” Paul said at a rally in Richmond, Va., according to Politico.

“I’ve been working on the assumption that nullification is going to come. It’s going to be a de facto nullification. It’s ugly, but pretty soon things are going to get so bad that we’re just going to ignore the feds and live our own lives in our own states.”

As Politico noted, Paul was invoking a term with deep roots in the Civil War era while speaking in a former capital of the confederacy. He also decried the taxes associated with the health care law.


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