Pope attacks human rights culture

Human rights laws are being abused by people obsessed with themselves simply to get what they want, according to the Pope.

Far from protecting hard-fought freedoms, modern human rights culture is being used to suppress liberty of conscience and restrain Christianity, he said.

In one of his biggest addresses of the year, Benedict XVI said a false concept of human rights had gripped the western world.

As a result, he said, religion is being marginalised and symbols of faith, such as the cross, are being treated with growing hostility.

He also singled out how, he said, some charities and schools are limiting the freedom of Christians to practise or express their faith and spoke of the need for “conscientious objectors” who would defend faith and traditional morality.

The comments came in the Pope’s annual New Year address to ambassadors from 179 States as well as bodies such as the European Union represented at the Vatican.

It follows a Christmas address in which he singled out plans for gay marriage in several countries including the UK for criticism.

In a wide ranging address, he cited a string of conflicts around the world and spoke about the causes of the global financial crisis.

He said that world peace depended on an authentic interpretation of what human rights actually means.

“Peace in society is also put at risk by certain threats to religious liberty,” he said.

“It is a question sometimes of the marginalisation of religion in social life; sometimes of intolerance or even of violence towards individuals, symbols of religious identity and religious institutions.

“It even happens that believers, and Christians in particular, are prevented from contributing to the common good by their educational and charitable institutions.”


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