Subsidized Tuition for Illegal Aliens is Now “Tuition Equality”

Immigrant-rights activists say New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie reversed himself Saturday and endorsed giving illegal immigrants in-state college tuition rates, and said he will try to get the issue through his legislature in a lame-duck session.

The left has figured out that it can add “equality” to any terrible idea and make it more appealing. Forcing religious people to participate in gay weddings was “Marriage Equality”. Now subsidized tuition for illegal aliens who don’t pay taxes… is Tuition Equality.

And who could possibly be against “equality”? Only some sort of terrible person.

Obama’s Illegal Aliens aka DREAMERS are screaming that they want subsidized tuition in New Jersey. The In-State Tuition Bill/N.J. Tuition Equity Act is being kicked around.

In-state tuition is already a scam.

There are two New Jerseys. The New Jersey of the homeowners property taxed up to their necks and Cory Booker’s welfare New Jersey getting by on handouts. That’s part of what the senate election is about.

Christie ran as a pal of homeowner New Jersey. His actual track record has been much more mixed and there are reports that he’s preparing to sign on to welfare New Jersey’s tuition equality.


Complete text linked here.

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