Hollywood Gets A $500K Grant to Weave Obamacare into TV Storylines

Hey, guess what is coming soon to one of your favorite TV shows? People who know better than you do, are going to sneak pro-ObamaCare messaging into TV plot lines because as one Hollywood bigwig put it – “people learn from TV.”

Thanks to a $500,000 grant from The California Endowment, the Hollywood Health & Society, associated with with the USC Annenberg Norman Lear Center, will “help TV writers tell better stories about the new health insurance law.”

Try to contain your excitement.

The California Endowment is interested in expanding insurance coverage to low-income earners, including immigrants. Obama’s far left radical Labor Secretary Thomas Perez consulted for them between 2001 and 2009.

Marketplace reported:

Why try to get your public health message into fictional story lines? People learn from TV,” says Marty Kaplan, the director of the Norman Lear Center. “Even if they know it is fiction, even if they know if writers can make stuff up, especially in the realm of medicine and public health, if a doctor says something to a patient, people tend to think that someone has checked that, that it’s true,” Kaplan says.

Kaplan’s group works to make sure that at least some of what comes out of doctors’ mouths is real, or at least real-ish. Hollywood Health & Society has worked with nearly 100 TV shows — everything from “Mad Men” to “Desperate Housewives” to “Dr. Vegas” and “The Bold and the Beautiful.” The Center has access to the megaphone that is Hollywood.


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