Ted Nugent Talks New Live DVD, Early Influences, Obamacare + More

And we need musical escapes away from all this crap in the world, now more than ever. If you just pay a modicum of attention to the headlines you know it. There is an increasing abuse of force and corruption in the American government right now. When you’ve got someone forcing a pallet of documents down the country’s throat, screaming that you don’t have to read it, you have to sign it and then find out what is in it after it gets passed, I mean, can you get any more anti-American or anti-we the people than that?

he legendary Motor City Mad Man Ted Nugent rode through the USA in recent years on his “I Still Believe Tour” and the trek has been captured on his new live 2 CD/DVD release titled ‘Ultralive Ballisticrock,’ set to arrive on Oct. 22.

All the hits are here and then some, and the band features Derek St. Holmes, the original vocalist & rhythm guitarist for the Ted Nugent Band from the ’70s plus Greg Smith (ex Rainbow) on bass and Dokken’s Mick Brown on drums.

The ever-outspoken Nugent recently talked with Loudwire about the new DVD, his early influences, his thoughts on Obamacare and much more. Check out our interview with The Nuge below:

Ted, after watching and listening to the new release, it’s clear your energy levels have not wavered much from way back when.

No question. My music has a life of its own and the fact that I get to dive onto this sonic white-water raft every night is no doubt a gift from God. I’m 65 years clean and sober and so things are working pretty damn good except for my knees. I have two bad knees from jumping off all those amplifiers over the years. But the music has such an energy all unto itself that what Greg, Mick, Derek and I do every night keeps us young. I’ve played some of these songs 5,000 times and I can’t wait to keep playing them again and again. They still turn me on.

I don’t really think at all when I’m up there. Like a great samurai warrior once said, if you’re not handling your sword properly, it’s the result of too many minds. One thing I do not happen to have, when I grab my guitar, is too many minds (laughs). I feel like a kid in the garage with my first live amp and my first piece of ass every night. I’m a lucky guy.


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