Glenn Beck Irate Over Leaked Boehner Office Emails: ‘Defund the GOP’ (Video)

“Otherwise, I can tell you your future,” Beck said. “If you don’t come off of this road now, you are going to have a GOP that is just like the Democrats. And you will continue to get the choices … (but) that choice will then be Chris Christie or Hilary Clinton. Which one you want? … I don’t want either of them.”

Glenn Beck was incensed Wednesday over reports of leaked emails that indicated House Speaker John Boehner coordinated with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to exempt Congress from Obamacare.

“This is John Boehner. This is your speaker of the House … this is exactly what we’ve been saying they are doing,” Beck said with disgust on radio. “They are making special deals behind closed doors. They are one part and parcel with the Democratic Party. They are in bed with them and they are lying to you.”

Beck urged his audience to call the Republican Party and say they won’t contribute “another cent” to the party at large.

“Individual politicians, you bet,” he added. “But here’s how you do it. You go find people like (Texas Congressman) Louie Gohmert. There’s no reason why we have somebody like (Texas Sen.) John Cornyn. No reason why we have him in Texas. None…This next election needs to be the last election for these kind of people. They all need to be kicked out.”


Complete text and video linked here.

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