Rand Paul: John Roberts And All Government Workers Should Have to Enroll in ObamaCare

Rand Paul also announced that he will introduce an amendment for all federal government employees to receive coverage through ObamaCare, including Supreme Court justices. “If [Chief Justice] John Roberts thinks that he can twist the Constitution and make ObamaCare constitutional, he ought to get it,” said Paul.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) was on the Fox & Friends couch to discuss the GOP’s efforts to defund ObamaCare.

The Senate is getting ready to debate the House’s bill that keeps the government running past Oct. 1, but also strips out funding for ObamaCare. The bill is certain to be rejected by the Dem-controlled Senate, but Paul is calling on Democrats and President Obama to compromise.

Paul said Republicans in the House were elected to “stand up and fight” against the new health care law, arguing that the president is threatening to shut down the government unless he gets “100 percent of ObamaCare.”

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