White Muslim told police he planned to shoot Harry: Fanatic plotted to disarm army officer and gun down Prince

Targeted fourth in line to the throne because ‘he has blood on his hands.’ Note on computer read: ‘No civilians to be injured. Dress code is the biker look. Not to be viewed as Islamic extremist.’ Handed himself in after feeling ‘scared and nervous’ about plot.

Islam, who changed his name by deed poll in 2010, pictured with girls dressed in niqabs and stockings

A white Muslim convert planned to assassinate Prince Harry in an attack he had codenamed Operation Regal, a court heard.

Belfast-born Ashraf Islam, 31, gave himself up to police the day after Drummer Lee Rigby was killed in Woolwich.

He told officers at Hounslow police station in west London that he had ‘advanced plans’ to shoot the prince at close range with a low-calibre pistol.

Islam, formerly known as Mark Townley, described Drummer Rigby as a ‘soft target’ and said he did not agree with the attack.

He said he intended to kill Prince Harry because the third in line to the throne, a veteran of Afghanistan, ‘had blood on his hands’.

Lynne Townley, prosecuting at Isleworth Crown Court, said: ‘On May 23, at Hounslow police station, Ashraf Islam made a threat to PC Boyne that he was going to kill another person, that was namely Prince Harry.’


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