‘Gun-free zones’ mean more body bags by Ted Nugent

Ted Nugent says real ‘workplace violence’ is caused by left-wing restrictions.

Another mass shooting in a gun-free zone where company policy mandates the employees must be unarmed and defenseless. In this case the employer is the Department of Defense (DOD), the very institution whose charter it is protect and defend America and Americans from all enemies, foreign and domestic.

The slaughter at the Navy facility is the second slaughter carried out on a military installation in recent memory. Back in November 2009, Maj. Allahu Akbar Voodoo Hasan murdered 13 U.S. military heroes and wounded 30 more during his great Muhammad-inspired terrorist attack at Fort Hood in Texas, which the DOD labeled as “workplace violence.”

The Department Of Dunderheads would surely label me the Cheshire cat. Their level of dishonesty is dazzling.

Voodoo Hasan radiated any number of red flags for years. Had they not been ignored, the slaughter at Ford Hood surely would have been prevented.

The same is now true with the Navy Yard mass murderer, Aaron Alexis. Like all the madmen murderers over the years, madman Aaron reeked of many red flags – but as usual, the worthless inept “system” permitted him to slip through its giant chasms.

What the failed system will not do is the obvious right thing, and that is to allow and encourage trained professionals and law-abiding citizens with concealed carry permits to defend themselves in the federal workplace. Instead those citizens are placed at risk due to deadly “gun-free zone” restrictions.


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