Are the mainstream media racist?

Ben Kinchlow proves press has double standard on coverage of mass killings.

Ben Kinchlow

There are those who are asking why the recent Navy Yard massacre failed to generate the usual intense and prolonged coverage of other mass shootings. There are those who claim the psychiatric aspects of the killer are somewhat less than mesmerizing. Others have said such incidents are becoming routine, and just as quickly as the shooting coverage cooled, the gun-control rhetoric heated up.

There were even false reports that the shooter had an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle. When those reports proved false, gun magazines that don’t require reloading quickly took the stage.

There is really no mystery as to why the Naval Yard shooting, practically in the shadow of the White House, failed to dominate the news beyond a day or so: The shooter was black.

Just suppose that instead of nine whites, two blacks and one Indian, it had been nine blacks, two Hispanics and one other “non-white” murdered.

I want you to try and imagine the in-depth, extensive, ongoing ad nauseum coverage of every aspect of the situation, every civil rights leader being interviewed, presidential comments and the detailed coverage that would be ongoing had this been done in a black neighborhood by a white guy.


Complete text linked here.

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