Event: Cong Festival & Quiet Man Statue

The Cong Festival will be celebrated in October, this year – the 4th through the 6th. On Sunday, the 6th, there will be a dedication of a bronze statue of Sean Thornton and Mary Kate Danaher, characters from “The Quiet Man” movie filmed in and around the village of Cong in 1951. Check their website for details.

Cong village invites fans of the Academy Award-winning film The Quiet Man to visit and see where the movie-magic began. In honour of the film and its cast, Cong will be unveiling a specially commissioned bronze statue of the movies characters Sean Thornton and Mary Kate Danaher on Sunday 6th October 2013.

In 1951 John Ford’s greatest movie was made with filming being centered in the beautiful village of Cong. Since then Cong has become a favourite destination for visitors and fans who wish to experience the beauty of Cong and visit the various locations where the film was shot. For that reason it was important to officially mark Cong’s link with the classic film. When in place the statue will be a fitting tribute to the film and cast.


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