Rubio: No Friend to Immigrants and the Working Class

A key player is SEIU leader, and Honorary Chair of the Democratic Socialists of America, Elisco Medina. In 1999, he convinced the AFL-CIO convention that U.S. immigration policy was “broken and needs to be fixed.” In 2000, the AFL-CIO called for a new amnesty and the repeal of the 1986 law that criminalized hiring illegal aliens.

When it comes to immigration, our terms have been redefined in an Orwellian sleight of hand. Today, the one who comes over the border illegally is called the same thing as the one who waits to come over legally, as those of my parents’ generation did.

Back in the late 1950s when my parents and aunts and uncles escaped from communist Yugoslavia being an immigrant meant staying off the government dole and having “sponsors” guaranteeing that you would. My relatives spent years as refugees in Austria, where they worked on farms, often living in barracks. Once here, they were greeted by sponsors who guaranteed housing, food, and medical care until the new immigrants could find jobs. It was a mark of shame to receive public assistance. Immigrants skimped and saved. They struggled to learn English and what they could not learn they demanded their children learn. When I and my cousins went to public school, we were inculcated with American values and strove to become Americanized.

This is not true today where government-paid workers search out immigrants, offering them government assistance. In schools, immigrant and illegal alien children get anti-American lessons, and often in their own language.


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