Ex-Marxist Shocks the Crowd at Conservative Summit (Video)

“In Democrat monopolies like Chicago and Detroit, liberal socialists have damaged and destroyed the lives of more African-Americans than all the Republicans since the creation of the Republic.”

David Horowitz, a reformed liberal, spoke at last Friday’s Defending the American Dream Summit. Watch as Horowitz blasts Barack Obama for his presidency.

One of the best part’s of Horowitz’s speech was:

“Barack Obama is the most brazen and compulsive liar ever to occupy the White House. He and his wife carry on like French royalty, lavishing tens of millions of tax-payer dollars on their family and their dog while tens of millions of Americans suffer because of the policies he put into place. He’s a leader that just doesn’t care. Four Americans died in Benghazi, he didn’t care.

The reason we don’t attack him is obvious. But no one will say it out loud. I will. It’s because the color of his skin is black. Racist liberals have made the colors of one’s skin all that matters.

If we can’t hold Obama to account, how can we hold any Democrat, any liberal, any socialist to account?


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