The latest Obama gunscam by Ted Nugent

Ted Nugent targets prez for banning sale of certain antique firearms.

President Obama often claims that he respects the Second Amendment and the shooting sports. No, he doesn’t. This ACORN doesn’t fall far from the tree.

The president lied when he said that he shoots skeet “all the time” at Camp David. Truth is, at the time of his statement he had rarely, if ever, shot any clay pigeons. He probably has not busted a bird since.

Through yet another abusive executive order, the president essentially killed the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) last week by now making it illegal to import obsolete and antique U.S. military semi-automatic rifles such as the M1 Garand from countries like South Korea.

These antique guns the president outlawed for no good reason whatsoever were used in World War II and the Korean War by the U.S. military and then sold off to countries like South Korea, which now consider the guns to be obsolete. So they have sold them back to America through the CMP, which then sells these vintage and historical guns to law-abiding Americans who must comply with myriad federal and local gun laws before being able to purchase such a collectable CMP rifle.


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