Always a Day Late and a Dollar Short by Victor Davis Hanson

All this stop/go/stop/go confusion is becoming embarrassing. For Obama, Syria has turned out to be an intervention too far.

The president is wise to consult Congress, whatever the reasons for his dramatic and sudden change of heart. It was increasingly becoming impossible for Obama, as a man of the Left, to launch a unilateral preemptory strike, without congressional or U.N. approval — given his own long track record of rhetorical denunciations of his predecessors. He is starting to sense the hypocrisy at work, given that a Senator/Candidate Obama would have been savagely critical of President Obama.

The problem, however, is the problem with all Obama’s decisions — Hamlet-like shoulda, woulda, coulda, second and third afterthoughts. If he really wants to hit Syria, then why dither? He immediately should recall Congress, galvanize his supporters, gain an authorization, and get going — rather than plod ahead in tortoise-like fashion.

The change of heart, the further delay, the telegraphing to the world of our strategy and tactics — all suggest that Obama wants out of his self-created dilemma and wishes to invest Congress with his responsibility — especially given the most recent denunciations from Putin, the estrangement from Europe, and the absence of any Arab interest.


Complete text linked here.

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