Do Liberals Love Crooks?

It’s an act of Christian mercy to hire a criminal, but it’s an act of liberal oppression to tell small businesses that they have to hire someone without knowing if that person has been convicted of serious crimes, especially in a society where liberals make it easy for anyone who is victimized by a crook to sue the company he works for.

It would appear liberals love crooks — other than Nixon that is. The city of Richmond in California is so enthused about crooks that they’ve just passed an ordinance to make sure criminals are on a level playing field with honest citizens when looking for work.

Richmond has decided that if you do business with the city your company cannot ask would-be employees about their criminal records.

The lie told to advance this policy is that it’s unfair to murderers, rapists, thieves, and drug dealers for a potential employer to take into account a job applicant’s history of anti-social and dangerous behavior.

The thought is well represented by this heroin dealer’s statement; “Once we pay our debt, I think the playing field should be fair.” Obviously all the damage done by the heroin that dealer sold was completely eradicated by his 16 months in prison (not).

But the reality is that putting a man who has worked hard and been honest all his life on the same level as one who’s sold heroin is a gross discrimination against the honest man.

Additionally, according to liberals, it’s downright discriminatory to assume that a criminal would ever return to crime after serving his time.


Complete text linked here.

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