Marco Rubio immigration bill imperiled by Tea Party defiance

So, unlike the days when Bush, Armey and Delay dragged the GOP caucus around, the Republican rank and file today calls the tune for its leadership. Speaker John Boehner, no enemy of K Street, has declared Rubio’s bill DOA in the House.

Elites of both parties are united in support of Marco Rubio’s immigration bill. That sort of unity is remarkable in Washington, but not unheard of.

Here’s the unprecedented part: The elites are going to lose.

The Tea Party has cultivated in House Republicans such a distrust of the establishment and such a disregard for party unity that even when the issue isn’t a Tea Party issue — and immigration isn’t, really — the GOP rank and file have little interest in doing what they’re told.

How unified is the GOP elite behind Rubio’s bill?

The Chamber of Commerce, by far the largest lobbying organization in the country, is spending seven figures on TV spots supporting Rubio’s immigration bill.

Karl Rove’s American Crossroads organization is running a campaign supporting the bill. The group, funded by wealthy Republican donors, bought ad space to publish an open letter signed by top GOP executives, lobbyists, fundraisers and party leaders.

Bush cabinet official-turned-lobbyist Carlos Gutierrez launched a Super PAC last year called Republicans for Immigration Reform that is backing Rubio.


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