Great Britain: Immigrants create overcrowding and fuel tensions, report finds

Asylum seekers, refugees and low-skilled immigrants are creating overcrowding, fueling community tensions and putting pressure on the NHS, a government report has found.

Home Office researchers have assessed for the first time the ground-level impact of immigration on British communities by conducting a survey of local authorities and service providers.

They found that immigrants were likely to lead to longer waiting times at GP surgeries, be involved in anti-social behaviour and create pest control issues because of overcrowding.

Mark Harper, the immigration minister, said: “This report highlights the significant impact high levels of migration have had on UK communities.

“It emphasises the importance of protecting our public services and taking a robust approach against those who come here to exploit our welfare system.

“While we have always recognised and believed in the benefits of immigration, uncontrolled immigration causes a number of problems for the United Kingdom.

“If we do not implement the proper controls, communities can be damaged, resources will be stretched and the benefits that immigration can bring are lost or forgotten.”

More than 2.2million people from the EU and 2.4million from outside the EU live and work in Britain.

The Home Office study found that half of people in England and Wales live in an area hit by high levels of migration.


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