Oklahoma and ObamaCare: Nullifying Nullification

“’When the federal government exceeds its delegated authority, as it has done with the passage of ObamaCare, it is the duty of every State Representative to defend the unalienable rights of the people of the great State of Oklahoma. I and others in the House and Senate intend to do just that with this legislation,’ Dr. Ritze said. ‘I along with many of my fellow legislators call on the people of Oklahoma to contact your State Representatives and ask them to fulfill their duty to protect the citizens of Oklahoma from this unconstitutional infringement on their unalienable rights.’”

ObamaCare opponents are using one of the Obama administration’s own apparatchiks to expose the dangers of the healthcare behemoth that will soon swallow nearly 17 percent of the economy and 100 percent of state sovereignty.

In May, Department of Health and Human Services Inspector General Daniel R. Levinson issued a report revealing significant errors in the information contained in the databases created under provisions of ObamaCare. Opponents of the president’s hallmark seizure of health care warn that the discrepancies disclosed by the IG’s report leave the Affordable Care Act vulnerable to abuse and fraudulent claims.

The databases singled out in the IG’s report provide information on health care providers who participate in Medicare. The federal government uses these data to facilitate the processing of payment to those providers. According to the IG’s report, the information provided by these databases are “often inaccurate and occasionally incomplete, and were generally inconsistent between the two databases.”

The specter of such widespread manipulation of the Medicare system by way of the ObamaCare legislation’s uncountable layers of bureaucracy was a primary impetus for state attempts to stop enforcement of the federal healthcare leviathan at state borders. Nullification, state lawmakers argued, was the way to save citizens from suffering the ravages of ObamaCare and its legal plundering of the middle class.


Complete text linked here.

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