Amnesty: Danger, Danger, Will Robinson! Calling All Tea Partiers!

Sadly, we are being played and betrayed from all sides. Republicans, Democrats, so-called conservatives, and libertarians are working together, selling out our country for various selfish reasons.

Brother and sister patriots, this is it. This is the big one. If we lose this battle, it is game over unless God intervenes. America as founded will be over. Democrats and socialist/progressives will rule forever. Therefore, this is the Tea Party issue of our times. I am talking about the passing of the Amnesty Bill.

The reason and urgency to pass amnesty are rooted in a big fat lie. Democrats and their cohorts in the mainstream media have convinced Republicans that Hispanics hate them. The Democrats’ and MSM’s tag-team lie is if Republicans do not pass amnesty, the Republican Party is over. Folks, the truth is the polar opposite. Amnesty for over 12 million illegals will usher in the end of the Republican Party, create mega-millions of new democrat voters, and secure a new socialist/progressive America.

Alcoholics Anonymous defines insanity as doing the same things over and over again and expecting a different result. Back in 1986, the government granted amnesty to 3 million illegals. In exchange, the government promised to secure the border. They said this would fix the illegal immigration problem.

They never secured the border. So now we have not just 3 million, but over 12 million illegals. The federal government lied to us back then, and they are lying to us today.

Talk about déjà vu all over again: it is horrifyingly clear that the Judases selling us this crock-of-excrement bill know that border security ain’t happenin’ this time around, either. The betrayal by our Republican leaders of you good folks — decent, hardworking Americans — truly angers and sickens me.


Complete text linked here.

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