Ann Coulter: U.S. ‘finished’ if amnesty passes

‘There will be no point in fighting for anything anymore.’

WND readers know Ann Coulter’s incisive political analysis and keen wit from her weekly columns on this website.

She has warned WND readers about the danger of including an amnesty provision in the immigration bill the Senate is now considering.

We asked her 10 questions delving deeper into the issue to let Americans know just what is at stake and what they can do about it.

Why won’t passing amnesty help Republicans?

Look at California! The state that gave us Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan is now a state where a Republican cannot be elected statewide. Not even attractive, successful businesswomen like Carly Fiorina and Meg Whitman can beat a tired old dinosaur like Jerry Brown or a dried-up prune like Barbara Boxer. The most beautiful state in the union is ruined, and the greatest nation in history is about to be.

Why will passing amnesty hurt Republicans?

Amnesty will lead to the immiseration of millions of Americans as low-wage workers will be out of work entirely or working at meaningless low-wage jobs. In either event they’ll be required to depend on government to get by. The 30 million Hispanics who already are citizens or legal residents will be in the same boat as the rest of us. Many of them will be earning less and less, unable to get ahead or to assimilate. It’s not just amnesty, but legal immigration that needs to be curtailed to give the mass of immigrants from the last several decades time to make money, get ahead and assimilate to American culture. That’s how you create a Republican: Give him a job. You create a Democrat by giving him welfare. A lot more Americans of all races will need government assistance, thanks to Rubio’s amnesty/mass immigration bill.


Complete text linked here.

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