Worried About Big Brother? What About LITTLE Brother With Access to INVADE YOUR LIFE? by Jan Morgan

I now know what it feels like to live in a police state. It is not a place I thought we would ever be in this country, and yet…. We are already there.

As I watched NSA hearings today, I listened to the NSA reps talk about how there were safeguards in place to prevent abuse of their surveillance privileges. I knew I could no longer be silent about the truth behind surveillance rights and just how easy it is to circumvent the system to invade our lives.
I was stalked because safeguards for Government surveillance are inadequate. If this happend to me, it can happen to YOU.

NSA surveillance to prevent terrorism is one thing, but how would you feel if someone in your local law enforcement agency had the same kind of access to your private cell phone, email, social media, and gps locations?

I was told by a local level law enforcement officer that he and other officers are circumventing the safeguards and abusing equipment and surveillance privileges in their agencies for personal reasons that have nothing to do professional investigations.

This access is being used to stalk women, check on their wives, and gain information on personal enemies.

It is unconstitutional, illegal, and will lead to a police state in this country.


Complete text linked here.

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