Get off the Rubio bandwagon (Video)

Glenn continued, “listen to me. It is worse than universal health care. And not coming days as we get closer, we will explain why it’s worse than universal health care. It is the death nail of the country. There’s no recovery from this one. None. No recovery.”

During a Spanish-speaking interview last week with Univision, Marco Rubio made the following statement: “Let’s be clear. Nobody is talking about preventing legalizations. The legalization is going to happen. That means the following will happen: First comes the legalization. Then comes the measures to secure the border. And then comes the process of permanent residence.”

Whether or not the Republican Senator from Florida knew his comment would receive the amount of attention that it did, conservatives weren’t happy. And with good reason — it’s the exact opposite of what he’s been touting to the right since the immigration reform debate began. How many times was border security used as the prerequisite for amnesty? Countless.

Among the conservatives that are far less than pleased with Marco Rubio is Mr. Glenn Beck.

“Let me tell you something, Marco Rubio, I haven’t trusted you for quite some time. Everybody’s been on this ‘Marco Rubio Bandwagon’. Why?” Glenn asked

Stu pointed out that even they jumped on the bandwagon at one point. Pat compared it to the Chris Christie phase that is now also long gone.

“As with Chris Christie and everybody else we had high hopes in, we wanted him to be the guy we thought he was,” Pat said.

“He’s not,” Glenn added.


Complete text linked here.

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