Adam Carolla: California Is ‘Eden’ Run Into the Ground by Democrat ‘Snakes’

Podcast king Adam Carolla isn’t leaving California any time soon, but it’s not due to warm feelings for the party in power.

The state is “a garden of Eden run by a bunch of snakes,” Carolla told the Hinderaker-Ward Experience, a conservative podcast. It’s only Carolla’s business and family ties that keep the comedian from pulling up stakes.

“Obviously, the Democrats have run this state into the ground completely. I definitely don’t want to be mistaken for one of them,” Carolla said.

Carolla opened up about his political affiliations, how California liberals view his right-of-center thinking and more during a free-wheeling chat with the podcast hosts.

“People think of me as a Republican, and I am a Republican,” he says, although he draws the line at the term “conservative” for his views on subjects like religion (he’s an atheist) and marijuana use.

“If you wanna have a pot plant in your backyard, so be it,” he says.

He created his so-called “Pirate Ship” podcast, one not dependent on any bosses or corporate involvement, so he could speak his mind without repercussions. When he does, his liberal peers dismiss his arguments outright.


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