Muslim Pedophile Sex Gangs – now in Washington State, too

(Mostly Somali) Muslims kidnapping teenage white girls whom they gang rape and then pimp out for pay to their Muslim customers, already epidemic in England, is spreading around America, too – from Minnesota, Ohio, Colorado, and Tennessee, and recently, in Washington, as well.

Yussuf Abdulle

When a 16-year-old girl in West Seattle was kicked out of her house and a friend said she could stay with her and 32-year-old Yussuf Abdulle at an apartment in the 8400 block of Delridge Way SW.

Investigators said Abdulle made the girls have sex with different men three to seven times a day and drugged them with marijuana, ecstasy and methamphetamine. The victim told police Abdulle would sleep near the door of the apartment with a gun and told her there would be a price to pay if she tried to leave.

“Guns, beatings, the stories are pretty horrific of what happens to these young people to keep them under the control of these monsters,” Giovengo said. “Our biggest efforts have to be in preventing how young people end up in that situation.” The 16-year-old was able to get out of the apartment and went to a local hospital for help.


In checking further, this is not the first time Muslims in Seattle have been arrested in the sex slave business with white girls as young as 14 being gang raped and pimped out. Muslim defenders accuse the victims of “racism.”


Complete text linked here.

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