Hilarious Jimmy Kimmel Prank Asks People What They Thought of the Inauguration — Before it Even Happened

President Barack Obama’s second inauguration was “awesome,” “moving” and “you know, part of history.” Vice President Joe Biden even cried. Too bad it hasn’t happened yet.

But that small detail didn’t stop people from sounding off in front of ABC late night host Jimmy Kimmel’s cameras on what they thought of Obama’s second swearing-in — days before it actually took place.

“It was awesome,” one woman said. “It was, you know, part of history. It was really nice to see him up there, getting his second term. Proud of him.”

She really liked Obama’s speech, particularly him “talking about what he’s going to do for us, not what he’s going to do for the other countries, what he’s going to do for America.”

They weren’t all positive reviews, however: there was one person who “didn’t really care for it…I turned the TV off, it kind of bored me.”


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