Here’s Why The RNC Has Been So Silent About Rampant Voter Fraud

In the 1982 consent decree, the Republican Party made an agreement effectively barring the RNC from “engag[ing] and assist(ing) in voter fraud prevention unless the RNC obtains the court’s approval in advance.” They basically made an agreement with the Democratic Party NOT to ensure voting integrity and NOT to pursue suspected vote fraud.

Since before November’s election, many of us have been kicking and hollering about the widespread voter fraud reported, but to no avail.

First, we had complaints from voters in at least six states that their intended votes for Mitt Romney on electronic touchscreen voting machines came up as votes for President Barack Obama

Next we had reports of noncitizens being pressured by unions to register and vote in Nevada.

Then we had a number of voters across the country in a bit of a shock when they were told by poll workers on Election Day they had already voted, even though they hadn’t. At the same time, others bragged about voting multiple times on Twitter.

Next, we had reports of Obama oddly getting over 99% of the vote in certain precincts on Election Day. In fact, there were a substantial number of precincts where Mitt Romney got exactly zero votes. This doesn’t make any sense.


Complete text linked here.

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