Immigration is British society’s biggest problem, shows survey of public

Poll for thinktank reveals one in three believes immigration is the most important cause of division. Communities secretary Eric Pickles will make a speech about immigration this week.

Communities secretary Eric Pickles will make a speech about immigration this week.

Immigration is regarded by the public as the biggest issue facing British society, a major new survey taking stock of the state of the country reveals.

One in three people believes tension between immigrants and people born in the UK is the major cause of division, while well over half regard it as one of the top three causes.

Over the past two decades, both immigration and emigration have increased to historically high levels, with those entering the country exceeding those leaving by more than 100,000 in every year since 1998.

Yet the survey in a report by the thinktank British Future, entitled “State of the Nation: Where is Bittersweet Britain Heading?”, also suggests the country is, at heart, tolerant of those who come to its shores.

Respect for the law, for the freedom of speech of others, and an ability to speak English were seen as the three most essential traits of a Briton, according to the survey of 2,515 people aged between 16 and 75. These were the top criteria across all ages and social classes.

While one in four thinks being born here is important to being British, two-thirds of people believe the welfare state should be open to those born abroad who have contributed to society and play by the rules.


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