3/4 of Bad British Doctors are 3rd Worlders

Three quarters of doctors struck off the medical register this year were trained abroad. Doctors trained overseas are five times more likely to be struck off than those trained in the UK.

Gov Health Care is a supply and demand problem. More medical staff is needed to cope with more demand. That leads to rationing and importing third world doctors. Both measures kill more patients leading to government health care becoming government death.

In the UK, the problem appears to largely come down to doctors from the third world killing patients with their incompetence.

Three quarters of doctors struck off the medical register this year were trained abroad. Doctors trained overseas are five times more likely to be struck off than those trained in the UK.

On the list of the top 5 countries that you don’t want your doctor to be from, three countries, Egypt, Iraq and Pakistan are Muslim, and a fourth, Nigeria, has a 49 percent Muslim population.

The countries that you do want doctors from are Hong Kong, the United States, Slovakia, Iran and New Zealand.

And in still more good news, some of these foreign doctors don’t actually speak that exotic language known as English.


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