Taki Theodoracopulos on the culture war, Christopher Hitchens, and more

“I chose journalism and I think it’s a good profession if you care to make a mark in the world, but it’s a dirty profession. I’m not particularly — I’m very, very pessimistic about the future of free speech in view of our friends on the left.” Taki Theodoracopulos

It has been more than twenty years since Pat Buchanan delivered his infamous culture war speech. And still both the left and the right continue to strive for dominance in American society.

Has either side claimed major victories?

In this second part of our discussion, veteran journalist and commentator Taki Theodoracopulos explains. He also tells us what the greatest reward of being a writer about culture and politics is, as well as what inspired him to enter the field of journalism.


Joseph F. Cotto: It’s been more than twenty years since Pat Buchanan delivered his infamous culture war speech. Do you think that either the left or the right has managed to secure a dominant role in American society?

Taki Theodoracopulos: Well, obviously the left has. The left has always had a dominant role because they’re controlling academia and universities. Take any college or any university in the United States and if you somehow poll the faculty, you’ll find 90 percent are pro-left. In fact, they’re extreme left.

The media is the same way. Not in small town newspapers, but the seven deadly sinners as Paul Johnson used to call them: CBS, NBC, ABC, New York Times, Washington Post, Newsweek thank God is gone, but even Time now. They’re all to the left of center, and Pat Buchanan — what Pat said, look what’s happened to Pat.

Pat Buchanan was drummed out of the Republican Party by whom? William Buckley; the right-winger, my mentor, a very decent man. But there was pressure put on Buckley by the neocons who are pro-war, drum out people like Pat Buchanan, Sam Francis, Peter Brimelow, and of course Joe Sobran.


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