State Sen. Glenn Grothman Declares War on Kwanzaa

The West Bend Republican calls for an end to Kwanzaa, which he describes as a fake holiday aimed at dividing blacks and whites.

Calling it a holiday that “almost no black people today care about,” state Sen. Glenn Grothman is characterizing Kwanzaa as a false holiday conjured up by a racist college professor and perpetuated by hard-core liberals.

“Why must we still hear about Kwanzaa?” the Republican lawmaker from West Bend asked in a press release. “Why are hard-core left wingers still trying to talk about Kwanzaa — the supposed African-American holiday celebration between Christmas and New Year’s?”

His remarks drew immediate criticism from a Democratic party leader, who called Grothman’s comments “absolutely jaw-dropping.”

Starting the day after Christmas, the weeklong African-American holiday was created several decades ago by now Africana studies professor at California State University, Long Beach, Maulana Karenga.

In the 1960s, Karenga founded the black nationalist group Organization Us, which became a rival of the Black Panthers. He served time in prison in 1971 following a trial during which a female member of the group said he beat her and another woman with an electrical cord, according to a Colorado Springs Gazette article.


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