Germany: Image of Islam ‘Devastating’

The most sobering finding is that 46% of Turks say they hope that one day Germany will have more Muslims than Christians. The survey shows that Germans are overwhelmingly opposed to recent attempts by politicians to describe Islam as an integral part of German culture.

Germans are overwhelmingly mistrustful of Islam and Muslim immigration, according to a new research survey, which concludes that the image of Islam in Germany is “devastating.”

The findings — which corroborate the conclusions of other recent studies — show a growing divide between ordinary Germans, who are concerned about the consequences of mass immigration from Muslim countries, and Germany’s political elites, who are determined to build a “multicultural” society at any cost.

The 28-page study, “Fear of the East in the West” [Die Furcht vor dem Morgenland im Abendland], was produced by the Allensbach Institute for Public Opinion Research, and was published by the center-right German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung on November 21.

Those who participated in the survey were asked to choose which of 21 statements about Islam most closely reflect their own views.

The research shows that more than half of the German population believes that Islam is prone to violence (64%); has a tendency toward revenge and retaliation (60%); is obsessed with proselytizing others (56%); and strives for political influence (56%).

More than 80% of Germans believe that Islam deprives women of their rights, and 70% say Islam is associated with religious fanaticism and radicalism.


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