Le Pen to Pravda.Ru: ‘I’ve always been hostile to communism’

“Today, the communist threat, collapsed for 20 years, has been replaced by another deadly utopia: Globalism, new internationalist ideology and materialism that has the sole aim to maximize the profits of big capitalists at the expense of the Nations and their peoples. There is also Islamism and its martyrs. All these ideologies have in common to undermine the foundations of the Hellenic-Christian civilization and to substitute another, which is not ours.” ~ Jean-Marie Le Pen

Jean-Marie Le Pen is the father of Marine Le Pen, and the founder of the National Front, the French party that pretends to resist the enforcement of globalization and its authoritarian agenda. He is well-known worldwide for his controversial stands against immigration, neo-liberalism and European construction. He was in 2002 present to second round of French presidential elections. A fierce anticommunist in the past, he is now favourable to a rapprochement with Russia, as he explains to Nicolas Bonnal. This interview for Pravda.Ru has been prepared too with the help of French historian and scholar Jean Centini.

First point, the questions on the FN and you:

“Mr. Le Pen, what were your youthful ideals?”

“My youthful ideals were impregnated with patriotism. During the war, I was a teenager, and my father died in France, when his boat sank after the explosion of a German mine. I then became a ward of the nation. The formula by which the nation was conducting my adoption greatly influenced me then and since my youth, I have been constantly used to serve my “adoptive parent” by my involvement in army, first in Indochina and especially in Algeria. Once the colonial wars ended, I have constantly used politics to defend France, denouncing the blows which stroke her and providing lifesaving measures, against all odds.”


Complete interview linked here.

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