White Tigers – Self Defence Youth Group Launched

Shropshire BNP will no longer tolerate the Establishment’s failure to properly protect our people from racist hate crime – so as well as our ongoing campaign regarding this issue, we have also decided to set up a self defence group (named by local YBNP members) called the White Tigers.

The White Tigers will not only help to educate local young Britons about the dangers of racist ‘grooming’ and ‘pack attack’ gangs, we will also train them how to physically defend themselves too.

Grooming gangs have been operating in Shropshire for years and reports of racist attacks on white youths are increasing in the area.

These crimes go unrecognised simply because the Establishment ignores hate crimes when the victim is white. Many young white people never report these attacks for fear of being branded racist themselves.

We doubt that certain sections of the Establishment will receive this news gladly; well that’s just too bad.

Time and again our young folk have been let down and ignored by teachers, the police, the news broadcasters (especially the BBC), and social services.

Perhaps if they had taken anti-white racist hate crime more seriously then we would not have had to resort to setting up our own self defence group.

We stress that the White Tigers will have no political role.

The self-defence aspect for youngsters is just that, and nothing more.


Complete text linked here.

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