Gallup Post-Election Poll: Just 37 Percent Support Path to Citizenship for Illegals

“Decades of Washington rewarding lawbreaking foreigners and their failures to function adequately in society have created a tribal cadre of uber-entitled underachievers, whose demands for government goodies including amnesty are unquenchable forever. It’s hard to end an addiction to free stuff, particularly when the addict doesn’t want to quit.”

Silly Republicans learning the wrong lessons from the recent electoral debacle should study the recent opinions gleaned from the little citizens. According to Gallup’s pollsters, the re-election of Obama has apparently not made Americans want to give up law and sovereignty in order to please foreign lawbreakers. A strong majority (62%) want illegal immigration stopped.

The following chart is from Gallup’s November 15 poll: Economy, Entitlements, Iran Are Americans’ Top Priorities.

Of course, the Hispandering effort isn’t aimed at Americans as a whole (so 20th century) but toward the new grabby entrants from the south, millions of whom got here via earlier amnesties from 1986 on, plus now-adult anchor babies who benefited from an ongoing (and unpopular) misunderstanding of the 14th Amendment.

Decades of Washington rewarding lawbreaking foreigners and their failures to function adequately in society have created a tribal cadre of uber-entitled underachievers, whose demands for government goodies including amnesty are unquenchable forever. It’s hard to end an addiction to free stuff, particularly when the addict doesn’t want to quit.


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