I Am An Old, White Man, Therefore I Am A Racist by Tom Tillison

And once old white men are eliminated, will America then reach the incredible state of Nirvana so many seek? Or will old, white women then become the target? Or maybe old people in general? Or just white people?

After Tuesdays drubbing, the Republican Party is under a lot of well deserved scrutiny. Not surprising and if looked upon with an open mind – after all, something went way wrong, this can lead to a stronger, more vibrant party.

However, a leading suggestion that is emerging, that the problem is the GOP is the party of ‘old, white guys’, has really struck a nerve.

Perhaps, because I am now an old, white guy – although I have four times the amount of Native American blood that our new U.S. Senator from Massachusetts lied about having for personal gain… which makes me wonder if we’ve reached a point where there are simply no moral values left whatsoever in this country.

If a woman can blatantly lie about her heritage and this not be seen as a negative by the voting public, one day we will end up electing 8 time convicted felons to office… oh… wait a minute, it seems the city of Detroit just did so on Tuesday.

Ah, but I digress… ‘old white men’. My first question is what part of being an old white man is the problem? Is being old or being white? Or a combination of both? And are there secret committees in play as we speak seeking a ‘final solution’ to this burdensome problem?


Complete text linked here.

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