After Election 2012: WWBD — What Would Breitbart Do?

And they will never be able to put the Genie that Andrew released back in the bottle. That’s what Andrew Breitbart would have done, and what millions of citizen journalists will continue to do as long as we have breath.

Many of us woke up the morning after the election in a daze and I imagine quite a few of us thought, okay…we lost, it is a new day…WWBD-What Would Breitbart Do? None of us can speak conclusively for him, but many of us were so deeply influenced and impacted by his leadership that in different ways his ideas live on inside of us.

Just before he died, Andrew called for a true vetting of President Obama, something that simply did not happen in 2008. Though he did not live to see it, many people led the charge and dozens of important works, from Dinesh D’Souza’s hit film 2016: Obama’s America to David Maraniss’s book “Barack Obama” did just that. But unfortunately, something else also became more clear than ever before, the corrupt media that Breitbart often assailed had its thumbs on the scales and tipped the election in the President’s favor.


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