Sean Hannity is Dead Wrong by Dennis Michael Lynch

What happens if illegal workers receive amnesty? Some experts argue it results in far more people contributing to society. I believe just the opposite. I think the “New Americans” will find it impossible to land a job. Thus, they become a greater burden on taxpayers.

On November 6, Obama crushed Romney in the general election. Exit polls indicate Obama owned the Latino vote. I knew this would happen. I also knew that on Nov. 7 a parade of suggestions and commentary about immigration reform would blast through cable news and talk radio. Sean Hannity was the leader of the pack.

I was driving home from Arizona when I heard Hannity’s “evolving” position on illegal immigration. And it was impossible not to laugh when I heard him say he could EASILY fix the problem.

Sean believes we need to start by securing the Border. Second, he thinks we should impose a small fine onto the law-abiding illegal aliens just before we give them all a pathway to citizenship. He concluded by stating we should deport all the illegal aliens who commit crimes.

With all due respect, I think Sean is misinformed. His solution places Americans in harms way. It places tremendous stress on American taxpayers, and it is unrealistic when one drills down into the details. I cannot believe the majority of people who listen to Sean agree with his evolution. I think we can all see he and the GOP are licking their wounds and stand ready to sell out to anyone who can pull a lever on Election Day.


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