Third World Corruption and the 2012 Election

“The 14th Amendment to the Constitution provides for “equal protection of the laws” for all Americans. To have a law that can cost an organization millions of dollars a year either apply or not apply, depending on the whim or political interest of the President of the United States, is to make a mockery of the rule of law.” ~ Thomas Sowell

One characteristic of Third World nations is corruption woven into the system. When I was in India many years ago, for instance, I learned you had to offer bribes to get anything done, even just to obtain a driver’s license. It was pay to play.

There has been much focus on whether Barack Obama is a natural-born American, but often lost in this debate is a very significant fact: whatever the president is in letter, he is no American in spirit. His governing philosophy is not American; he is not patriotic. And, to the point here, he has introduced a level of corruption to government more suggestive of where he spent his formative years, Indonesia; or that other Third World place, in which he cut his political teeth, Chicago.

Those outside the Mainstream Media Matrix hear the stories. There was Solyndra, where half a billion taxpayer dollars went down a rat hole to Obama cronies; the rape of the GM bondholders; Fast and Furious, in which our government gave weapons to south-of-the-border cartels, which then used them to murder Americans and hundreds of Mexicans; the refusal to implement aspects of immigration law that the president doesn’t like; the support of Wisconsin union brownshirts; and Benghazi-gate, just to name a few. And, in keeping with the president’s immigration shell game, there is the overall flouting of the rule of law, which the voters, through gross electoral malpractice four years ago, traded for the rule of a lawyer named Obama.


Complete text linked here.

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