Philippe Vardon speech to the Convention of Orange: “Direction Reconquest”

We can not emphasize enough: if one of the major questions of the twentieth century was the right of peoples to self-determination, THE central question of this century is the right of peoples to remain themselves.

(Translation by Google Translate)

Because we do not want to suffer. Because our rebellion is legitimate. Because we do not want to see our people live in poverty imposed by capitalism and fear imposed by ethnic gangs. Because we age every challenge and a huge responsibility for the history. Because we want to, as each nation has the right to live on our land according to our identity.

We made the choice of resistance!

We will be present wherever our struggle requires, among young workers in high schools and colleges in ANPE agencies, especially in concerts and on our streets, these streets that we refuse to see offered to the reign of violence!

Solidarity guide our action. Combative solidarity if necessary, we will not tolerate to see young French treated as foreigners on their soil.

Whatsoever against multinationals, institutions face against the corrupt or scum, Jeunesses Identitaires will block!

Rereading a few days ago, with a touch of nostalgia, manifest Youth Identitaires I wrote 10 years ago now, I wondered if I had remained faithful to the promise of my 20 years.

Well, yes! I can answer yes with certainty and assurance!


Translation from complete article, linked here.

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