The 2012 Elections: La Raza Über Alles!

“Developing the human resources of society and particularly that of Latino communities across the country will require an additional economic investment rather than the continuation of further cuts to the social safety net.”

The growing Latino population within the country has now reached 50 million people of which 24 million are registered to vote. This population is predominantly located within the large urban areas and in the key political states of New York, California, Texas and Florida. This is a generally young population which works and pays taxes that benefit all of our society and will do so for many years to come. It is this youthful sector within our society that will play a particularly important role in the country’s future by working and supporting the growing number of retired and elderly persons by paying taxes into Social Security, Medicare and other government programs which will bolster the country’s social safety net. It is then very important that this Latino populace be well-educated, trained and healthy in order to contribute to the economic and political vibrancy of our future society. There are a number of urgent issues which affect the well-being of Latinos that need to be addressed as well as certain government policies which hinder the resolution of these problems. These present policies need to be criticized and political pressure applied in order to change them for the betterment of everyone concerned. Otherwise, any negative laws and policies that are harmful to Latinos will be detrimental to the country as a whole.


Complete text linked here.

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