Third of rapists and killers ‘are foreign’

IMMIGRANTS make up a THIRD of murder suspects and alleged rapists in a string of areas, shocking new figures reveal. Shock toll for 5 forces… and £34m cop bill.

And one in seven of all people accused of these crimes in the UK as a whole is a foreign national.

Data from police forces shows 93 foreign-born suspects were accused of murder last year and 418 faced rape allegations.

Four forces each had 33 per cent of non-UK murder suspects — Kent, Lincolnshire and Tayside and Fife in Scotland. The Met Police recorded the highest rate of non-UK rape suspects at 32 per cent.

Cambridgeshire had an astonishing 57 per cent of murder suspects of foreign origin.

But that figure is calculated on just four accused out of a total of seven. The soaring number of immigrants cost the authorities £34million for translators last year to deal with non-English speaking suspects, victims and witnesses. That’s enough to pay for 1,000 cops.

The figures for immigrant suspects — obtained by The Sun with Freedom of Information requests — throw up some surprises.


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