Iceland: Police Fear for Their Families in Outlaws Case

Snorri Magnússon, chairman of the National Association of Police Officers, told Morgunblaðið that not only motorcycle gangs are involved in organized crime in Iceland but also Eastern European mafias.

Reykjavík Metropolitan Police claimed in a statement released after the raid and arrest of 16 members of the Outlaws motorcycle club last week that the operation was planned because the gang had prepared to break into homes of police officers.

The police maintain that Outlaws had singled out certain officers and decided to take avenge on them by attacking their families, reports.

Professor in Sociology Helgi Gunnlaugsson discussed the situation in an interview with Morgunblaðið. “Threats to the police aren’t new but when they’re coming from an organized crime gang they are of a different kind.”

Outlaws leader Víðir Þorgeirsson commented on that the club’s member would never consider attacking women and children, although they do have a bone to pick with the Special Forces, whom Víðir accuses of attacking the Outlaws’ families.

Three individuals are now in custody following the police operations last week. However Reykjanes District Court rejected the police’s demand for custody over Víðir on Friday, reports. The verdict was appealed to the Supreme Court.


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