Democrats prescribing perpetual poverty by Ted Nugent

“The Democratic Party will never admit that wealthy Americans might just be smarter, have a greater tolerance for risk and a stronger work ethic than supporters who carp about how the system is rigged against them and seek a fantasy of “shared opportunity.” Show me where life is fair and I will vote for President Obama.”

I’ve been rich and I’ve been poor. Neither condition changed who I am as a person. However, flying private sure beats the hell out of hitchhiking.

Know this: There isn’t a Democrat who would choose public housing and food stamps over a fat bank account and a mansion. Not a single one.

Dreaming of wealth and the independence and joys it provides is natural in America because in America, dreams can become reality if you work hard enough, sacrifice greatly, are willing to take risks, have an unshakable belief in yourself and are terminally stoned on dogged persistence and absolute perfection.

This, however, is what separates the men from the boys, the bloodsuckers from the providers, and the wealthy from everyone else.

Every American dreams of becoming wealthy, but too few are willing to do what it takes to achieve genuine success. Achieving wealth takes a Herculean work ethic, indefatigable determination, steadfast imagination, true grit and the Chesty Puller courage to take scary risks. Instead of busting hump, buying lottery tickets on a pathetic hope and prayer is apparently easier — and dumber.

Not so amazing, but the backbone of the Democratic Party, the ones buying the most lottery tickets, are the ones who can least afford it. Duh. If these mouth-breathers promise not to vote, the GOP should buy them a lottery ticket. That would be cheaper than trying to reach them with political ads.


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